These last couple of weeks we’ve listened to the constant
beat of the poor-me victim drum. Miss Sandra Fluke (pronounced as if the “e”
weren’t there, which is just too ironic to be real) complained about the burden
of having to spend $1000 a year on contraception (when it’s available for $9 a
month just a few blocks from campus and she’s dating a super-rich jet-setter –
go figure). Her testimony –
besides being filled with unsubstantiated statistics -- is confusing.
Let me get this straight: A 30-year-old law student – a
left-wing feminist activist – testified to Congress about how the evil Jesuit
college she attends won’t provide insurance that covers her birth control
expenses. I don’t understand why a college would be responsible for anyone’s
condom needs; I can’t imagine why at Georgetown coed’s efforts at
non-conception are so expensive; and I really can’t fathom what useful
information Fluke could provide for Congress – don’t they have more pressing matters in front of them
than collegiate sex practices?
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The press seemed to believe that she was testifying as to
the dire need for the government to step in – 1st Amendment be
damned – and stop this awful sexual oppression. They used her to demonstrate
that conservatives are more worried about the niceties of our founding
documents than the cruel burdens born by sexually active women; Republicans
are, according to the media, engaged in a War on Women.
There’s a war on women?! Here?? Now??
I’ve been trying for several days to come up with examples
of oppressed women in America. I suppose, for instance, that most communities
could do a better job protecting and assisting abused women. Then I hear the
news that Egypt, in the midst of their much-touted Arab Spring, has just made
it legal for Egyptian men to beat their wives. So things could be worse on that
Must be about jobs, but I can’t think of any profession that
excludes women anymore. I suppose male strippers have to be men, but even
that’s a little cloudy these days.
Miss Fluke talked a lot about women’s health issues. Like
the way some Muslims circumcise their young women? Or commit honor killings?
Those are most damaging to women’s health. No – she didn’t bring up those
issues. Left-wing folk rarely do.
Women’s health issues… Hmmm …Now, I have been to doctors who
were a tad condescending, but that doesn’t seem worth testifying to Congress
about, and when that happened I just changed doctors. Of course that may be
difficult to do once Obamacare kicks in, but that’s hardly the fault of the
Oh, I see, “women’s health” is code for reproductive rights.
Reproductive rights? I thought we had
reproductive rights. American law allows a woman to have as many children as
she wants. No one in Congress (not even a Republican) has ever proposed changing
that. This isn’t China – not yet, anyway.
So pregnancy is what, a disease? No, it is just a natural
consequence of having sex. For millennia women have been getting pregnant and
bearing children, and they’ve done so without the help of advanced medicine.
Women have also managed to avoid pregnancy sans medical assistance – it’s
called abstinence. And yet, here’s a well-educated young woman who thinks it’s
a national crisis that she and her friends might have to pay in order to avoid
the logical outcome of what, up until recently, was considered immoral
behavior. So “reproductive rights” means, then, that she has a right to have
sex and someone else should pay to help her avoid reproducing. Got it.
Now, which amendment covers that? It must be more important
than a person's right to practice his religion. It’s evidently more urgent
than the right of radio hosts to call a spade a spade. It certainly has become
more important than the human life a woman might be conceiving. Where is all
that in the Constitution?
Actually, I doubt if Ms. Fluke has many concerns about our
Constitution. Yet without it we could be living like the women in the Middle
East who aren’t even be allowed to leave their houses without a male relative.
Here, because of the protections of the Constitution we are free to come and go
as we please. True, we may have to pay for our own contraception, but that’s
hardly oppression.
I just can’t drum up any Susan B. Anthony indignation on Ms.
Fluke’s behalf. The closest I see American women coming to oppression are
6-inch spiked heels and under-wire bras, but nobody is making us wear them. And
no one is forcing us to dress in burqas.
count myself, and all my American sisters, as the most blessed women this earth
has ever hosted. Nothing about my life requires the urgent care of the federal
government, no major injustice needs rectifying, no provision needs to be made.
In fact, the more they leave me alone, the better I like it. There is no war on
women here -- but there might be if we keep making begging, whining fools of
ourselves. I’d like to believe that we’re tougher than that. I’d like to
believe that this busy activist is just a fluke.
If she is going to play with fire, then maybe the guy she is playing with should come up with the $$$ to protect her from pregnacy. Just a guy's point of view.
ReplyDeleteYes -- It's really hard to wrap my brain around this thought that someone else should always pay. I pay for my own vitamins, my own gym membership -- as I should. It was a huge mistake when insurance companies started picking up the tab for regular maintenance. I suspect they know that by now. Thanks for reading. d