We knew he could win, would stop at nothing to win; a “level
playing field” is for dreamers, it’s for politicians to use to buy votes. We
are resigned, we biblical Christians, we who read history, we who understand
economics. We are resigned.
You see, we know what is coming and I, for one, just want to
get it over with – like having a root canal. We had one last thread of hope in
this election, but deep in our bones we knew that the problem was much deeper
than anything an election could solve. We knew that as long as our fellow
Americans lack the integrity to see immorality as a problem, as long as they
trust government rather than God, as long as life is just about how much you
can scam from somebody else, then we are doomed. We know that it’s not possible
to run a country on wishing, on lying. This is not pretend.
And we knew that we were fighting a dishonest, biased media
and that we were working with a citizenry that has been systematically taught
not to think, not to be curious, not to face facts, not to love this country. After
more than a dozen years of institutionalized misinformation – both from our
churches and our schools -- and a constant drivel of Hollywood/television
propaganda, the resulting mass delusion is hard to overcome. We knew that.
Hope, however, is always struggling up through the mire, and we occasionally
indulged in imagining our friends and relatives waking some day, pre-election,
slapping palm to furrowed brow, and saying, “Boy, was I an idiot! I understand
now.” We hoped, but the lure of free phones evidently out-weighed the lure of
And there will be hell to pay. I don’t mind my liberal
friends gloating a bit right now. That will stop soon enough. Let them enjoy
themselves while they still can for their fairytale is drawing to an ugly, witchy close,
and we all need to brace ourselves.
What we will see now will be a mixture of economic
inevitability and biblical prophecy.
Soon war will erupt in the Middle East. Israel will win. Of
that I am sure, not just because the prophecies say so, but Israel has made it
this far – a God-proving miracle in itself. She has made it back to her land, against all odds,
just as the prophecies foretold, and she still has a huge part to play in the
rest of human history. She’s not going anywhere yet.
What will happen to us in that war, I don’t know. According
to Genesis 12:3 God has promised to “bless them that bless you and curse them
that curse you.” So far that has proven true. If this war breaks out as soon as
I think it will, and Obama is still in power, we will be in the “cursing”
category, a place we’ve never been before and it won’t be pretty. Name a nation
that has hurt Israel and you will be naming a nation that has met with mega
disaster – from the plagues of Egypt, to the dead army of Sennacherib, to the
defeat of the Spanish Armada it’s a terrifying picture. I don’t want to be in
one of those shots, but it is coming.
On the home front:
o The
jobless rate will go up; the food stamp numbers had already escalated before
the election, but were kept hidden. Business after business will cut back or fold. Small
businesses have been hanging on, hoping for a reprieve, but now that hope is
gone, it will be time to make a decision. They will scale back to part time
employees to avoid paying for benefits and they will limit the number of
employees to 49 to avoid Obamacare taxes. The rich will leave – they will leave
California in droves; they will leave this country as well, just as the French
are leaving France.
o Obamacare
will kick in and our hospitals will look like overburdened emergency wards.
We’ll wait for months for appointments with what few doctors are left, and
research and development will grind to a halt. None of it will be cheap and
people will suffer and die unnecessarily.
o Taxes
will escalate, but so will spending, and therefore, so will the national debt.
Once you start buying votes there’s nowhere to stop.
o Somewhere
in the midst of all this they will come for our guns – judging from the pending
UN treaty, sooner rather than later. People will die over that one. (Gun sales
have skyrocketed since the election.)
o Social
Security and Medicare will go bankrupt, the housing market, under these
conditions can’t possibly climb out of the hole it’s in.
I have no idea what people think they have gained by voting for
Obama’s leftist agenda. This is where it is going. This is where it always goes.
But I am resigned. Evidently this is what Americans want.
Or this is what lax voting practices brought us. Either we
really are so loopy that we willingly voted this guy back into office, or we
didn’t and he’s not there legally. Not that I have any hope that proof of
election skullduggery will get him out of office. No. No one seems to have the
necessary glandular equipment to do anything about any of the multitudinous
illegalities of this presidency.
I hope that the election was rigged because then I can hope
that America will someday be America again. I can hope that we still have
enough integrity and common sense to pull out of this nosedive -- either the
election results are a lie or over half of my countrymen are delusional; if it
were up to me, I’d choose the former.
Either way Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity,
controls history. And He does it
without coercing our free will. He controls the weather. He controls who lives
and who dies and when. History has a purpose – His purpose -- and it will out.
The beauty of that is His holiness, His flawless integrity. The world He will
eventually rule will be a place of perfect justice and prosperity. All
Christians yearn for that – in fact all of us yearn for that sublime
We don’t know for sure how the immediate future will unfold,
but we can be confident that it is all transpiring just as it should. C.S.
Lewis once said, ““We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best
for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
Just as I am sure, when I am walking into the dental
surgeon’s office, that suffering and discomfort will be mine for the immediate
future, I am sure that Americans will now face horrible heartache and physical
misery. Perhaps we will emerge
stronger, braver, more prosperous than we were before. Perhaps we will cease to
be. Either way, nothing is as nuts as it looks and eventually Christ will sit
on His throne in Jerusalem and all will forever be unimaginably wonderful. Hold
onto that thought and keep on keeping on.
So, Dee, I was sitting in the dentist's office reading your blog...and, painfully, you nailed it. I'm sorry to say, I will be begging for the mega-pain-relieving drugs during my pending treatment while knowing there is no real anaesthetic for the looming reality of America's future. Keeping the faith, H&D's mom
ReplyDeleteWe are all going to have to take the lumps, i'm afraid. And may all go well at the dentist. Yikes.
DeleteFound you in a comment thread on the Smart Girl Politics Facebook page. Thank you for encapsulating and beautifully presenting many of the thoughts I've had, post-election. You quoted C.S. Lewis: “We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” Amen. I'm trying to process and hear from God what I am to do next, while dealing with disappointment in our voting public and rampant fraud in the media and the voting system. It is too big for me, alone. So I think of Hezekiah, abused and taunted by a powerful foe (2 Kings 18 & 19); he took the taunting and threatening letter from the enemy, spread it on the altar, and surrendered it to God. Then he saw God move. Praying for when we will see the same results.
ReplyDeleteRamona -- Thanks for the thoughtful and inspiring response. We are, it appears, "doomed to live in interesting times." But that gives us much to look forward to -- either a role in the restoration of this amazing country or a rendezvous with the Lord in the air. I'm game -- sounds like you are too. Thanks for reading -- hope you come back; I publish every week. d
DeleteHello Ms. Chadwell, I didn't see any other way to connect with you, thus this unrelated post. I apologize, but thought you might like this information.
ReplyDeleteI am the author of "The Next American Revolution: How to Demand Congressional Reform NOW," and would be honored to send you a free review copy of my book. If you agree the message is important, you might even want to include it in your great book list.
Below are links to it's Amazon.com page and to my web site. Please let me know if you would like a copy and will get it right out to you. I very much appreciate your time.
Charles R. Hooper
Charles -- don't know if you got my e-mail, but, yes -- I'd love to review your book. I keep hoping someone will have some do-able ideas. E-mail me at shadyanna@dynamicarts.biz for my address. How long has the book been out?