As I watch and often take part in discussions about the ills
of modern American society I am often struck by the bizarre feeling that I’ve
whizzed down the Wonderland hole and am staggering around with Alice trying to
find something that makes sense. Instead, I find Mad Hatters, crazy Queens, and
stoned caterpillars none of which seem able to offer a rational argument and
all of which seem hell-bent on turning any discussion into an emotional rant.
Right now I’m listening on the radio to a young man whose logic is just
dripping fallacies and he’s so excitable he doesn’t want to allow a complete
discussion. We desperately need to understand logic and how it gets twisted and
why. What follows is a quick tutorial on some of the most egregious fallacies so
we can all stop these sneaky arguments in their tracks. So…..
Tweedledee to the Rescue
In Through the Looking-Glass Lewis Carol has Tweedeldee say, “Contrariwise, if it was so, it might
be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”
And right he is – perhaps we need to take lessons from this sensible
pot-bellied sage. In 21st century America logic is cowering in a
closet aware that he is no longer socially acceptable, the party has run amuck,
and we need him to come out.
Most of the devastating national policies that undermine our
republic are the result of faulty logic, on the part of the people proposing
the policies, on the part of those reporting on them, and on the part of those
reacting to the news. I can even present the problem in an algorithm ---
Logical Fallacies + Propaganda (Media Complicity + An Unthinking Populace) = The Fall of a Nation.
And we are falling – fast.
You and I are not in Congress, and we’re not in the media, but we are part of the populace and we can start thinking. One of the best ways to do that is to brush up on the logical fallacies that so permeate our national airways. We don’t have to be putty in their hands -- we can fight back with reason.
You see, logic doesn’t change any more than God does. Logic
is His gift to us; -- “In the beginning was the Logos…” It is as fixed as the stars, as much of
a scientific law as gravity. Anyone proposing an illogical policy must shove reason in a hole and hope no one
notices. But we’re noticing.