For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face-to-face: now I
know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1st
Corinthians 13:12.
Part 3 – What’s Wrong with Liberal Thinking
Well – let’s make sense of the world today, shall we? I’ll
start picking at the tangled wad of yarns at this end and you start teasing at
it on your end and we’ll have it unknotted in no time. Not.
Things are in quite a muddle; the Prince of Lies (not our
president, but Lucifer) is hard at work and it’s the human tendency to gloss
over details, call a spade a terrain
relocation device, and slather every uncomfortable truth with coat after
coat of varnish, so the job of putting all the puzzle pieces together in
logical order is a challenge.
We’ve been talking about the faulty assumptions at the base
of liberal thinking. This week I’d like to explore one of the secondary
premises that fog our national bandwidth. If one starts with the self-refuting
statement that there is no absolute truth and you add to that an evolutionary
mindset, one comes to a third premise – that God is just a human idea – some
fanciful conceit we developed to soften the edges of reality, some elaborate
means mankind invented in order to tackle the vagaries of human misbehavior.
The evolutionist explanation for religious belief is a
bottom-up account. From paramecium to fish to tadpole to lizard to bird to
horse to ape to Neanderthal to Christian – just a natural progression. (Why
they assume that Christian thought is suddenly a turn for the worst is beyond
Eventually our brains got big enough to have room for abstract thought and
imagination. A random mutation or twelve and a few brain cells began
specializing in these speculations, and oilá! we have “God,” but only to be taken seriously by the
weak and the stupid. After all, God is just a figment of our imaginations and
if we want to play at religion we can go pottering off to church or synagogue
or temple, and hop through whatever rituals please us, but we are not to
actually think any of it is true.
We are even to start toying (as our brains evolve, becoming
more and more sophisticated) with the idea of ditching the God thing
altogether. Just recently the Dalai Lama said,
“Of course, all the world’s major religions, with their
emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness, can and do
promote inner values.” In other words, religion is useful – not true, just
useful. He went on to say, “But the reality of the world today is that
grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I believe the
time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics that is
beyond religion altogether.” It’s
time to go beyond God. Whoa.
Though, he’s a little late to the party since that’s
basically what the serpent said to Eve, and even before that, what Lucifer said
to God – I can run things better than you
can (Isaiah 14).
Renowned – and now deceased, and much wiser – atheist
Christopher Hitchens also
beat His Holiness to the punch. Hitchens stated in his book, God is Not Great, “Religion comes from
the period of human prehistory where nobody…had the smallest idea what was
going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is
a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for
comfort, reassurance, and other infantile needs).”
Obviously, if we start with the premise that man came before
God, we end up in some very weird and arrogant places. Our ethical thoughts
lose their backbone and become nothing more than petty rules that can be
overcome with a light dose of peer pressure and half a dozen lawsuits.
Behaviors that were solid parts of our national ethic are now mere amoeba
squelching around our confused national conscience.
Speaking of confused, I had a class of honors students who,
shortly after 9/11 told me that they couldn’t denounce the hijackers. These
otherwise wonderful kids felt that it was morally acceptable for the jihadis to
have committed over 3,000 murders because the men believed they were doing
good. The poor kids were struggling to synthesize the politically correct
lessons from social studies classes (You have your truth; they have theirs.)
with the horror of watching people forced to choose between jumping to their
deaths or being burned alive. And we wonder why our children smoke dope.
It is interesting, now that we’re constructing our own mores
that we find ourselves often in those tangles. Diversity, tolerance, and multi-culturalism,
for instance, are way at the top of our DIY list of values – unless of course
one chooses to adhere to the old morality and then diversity suddenly becomes
as vicious and condescending as Torquemada. This tolerance is so loving and
generous that it recently tried to destroy the Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain
because the owner expressed an opinion that didn’t fit the new code – a new
code that comes with no authority other than peer pressure produced by the
liberal media.
Such confusion requires that one stay on the surface of
every issue – no details allowed, just a vague homogenation with the specifics
buried under layers and layers of hardened varnish. Evolution is true (Never
mind the ever-increasing evidence to the contrary – pesky little things like the
usefulness of junk DNA.). Global warming and the necessary greening of
everything is gospel (The growing icecaps and dropping average temperatures
notwithstanding.). Islam is a religion of peace (but don’t talk about the
hundreds and hundreds of Muslim-instigated battles fought throughout Europe
that historians now believe brought on the Dark Ages.)
We are but human, and we don’t have infinite intelligence
nor do we have infinite time on Earth to learn all the details. Add to that our
natural inclination to lean into the lie (see Genesis 3), and the result is
that we see through the glass, but darkly. If we compound the problem by
denying that anything infinite exists, and by taking credit for God, then we’re
bound to snarl our thinking into some seriously Gordian knots.
However, if we start with a tri-une God, who first made the
angelic creation, then the universe we know, then mankind, and Who will one day
remake all of it – we end up in a very grown up place where we know who we are,
why we are here, where all of it is going, and more or less how it’s going to
get there. Many of us are watching the mess in the Middle East unfold and it
feels like watching a movie of a book we’ve read. There will be surprises but
not big ones. Even 9/11 felt inevitable to those of us who’d been paying
If God is the creator, and
He is, then our job is not to go beyond Him. It’s not even to go to Him – for
He has come to us.
For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who
does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name
of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16-18)
Satan is ramping it up! It is so plain to see and yet so many don't.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding. I'd say it's been about 10 years now since I started feeling like evil was just bubbling up out of the ground -- the awful things I was seeing happen with my students at school, the twisted curriculum being proffered, to say nothing of the news. Lord Jesus, come quickly. Thanks for always reading.