Here we are mid-river and we can hear the rumble of
approaching rapids. The river drops fast as we skim over an occasional
sub-surface boulder. We know if we stay on this course, we’ll tumble over the
falls, but if we can veer to the right and take it down through the slough
we’ll be OK, but to do that we need every hand to paddle and paddle hard in
Let’s talk about how we do that – how do we discuss clearly,
quickly and powerfully the necessity of making that hard right? It can’t be
done by shouting or making wild accusations or by attacking people personally.
It has to be done with logic and with love.
Logic is God’s way of thinking, for He is not the author of
confusion. He is a rational God and if we are, as Paul tells us, to “take every
thought into captivity for Christ,” they have to be logical thoughts. And
here’s where our national problem lies – the thought patterns on the left, the
thought patterns that got us into this mess – are not logical, are not rational
and the approaching rapids are proof.
So is the anger and irrationality coming from the left.
Think Chris Matthews. I can’t imagine the pain of hearing that impending torrent
of doom and having to choose between saying, “You know, Marx was an idiot,” or
trying to convince yourself that plummeting to your death is what you always
wanted to do. That’s bound to make people testy and we’re starting to see some
folks in the public eye crumbling around the edges. We have to reach across the
rapids and grab as many as we can and pull them to safety. We’ll be better off
with their help paddling and they’ll have a chance of living and living well.
Let’s do a crash course in what is wrong with leftist
You see, logic is a two-oar affair (I’m still playing with
my metaphor). One starts with assumptions, which may or may not be true, and
then one puts them together according to the rules of logic, which one may or
may not do correctly (There’s a couple dozen logical fallacies one can slip
into.). If either your facts or your process is in error, the results will be
wrong. The main problem with leftist thinking is that most of its assumptions (logicians
call them premises) are demonstrably
bogus. In the next six posts we’ll explore some of the left’s most damaging theories
– damaging to us all. Let’s look first at their most important presupposition:
Part 1 – There’s No Such Thing…..
The There’s-No-Such-Thing-As-Absolute-Truth
mythology underlies all leftist thinking. This motto should be engraved on our
institutions of higher learning instead of the traditional “You shall know the
truth and the truth shall set you free.” It’s a delightful conceit that appears
at first glance to simplify tolerance issues and smooth over pseudo-intellectual
discussions. After all, if nothing is true then no one can be wrong, including
me, even if I have no idea what I’m talking about. Instead of actual learning,
and learning to genuinely care about others, in the particular, not in the
safely vague and general, we can, with this anti-truth doctrine, dismiss all
differences, erase all need for moral judgment and color the whole varied and
stimulating world an uncertain shade of gray. Then we don’t have to think or
get too riled up about anything – unless someone dares to question our dogma.
So what’s wrong with that? You have your truth; I have mine;
no one is offended and please pass the joint. Of course, it’s a free country –
for a little while longer perhaps – and people have a right to believe whatever
they’d like, for the time being, but I also have a right to point out how
nonsensical those beliefs are – especially since they’re pulling me over the
falls too. The TNSTAAT myth is a self-refuting statement, which breaks one of
the key rules of logic. If there is no absolute truth then that statement can’t
be true. Period. It’s horsefeathers.
And it has cost us all a great deal.
means no Bible – even though all the evidence points to it’s having an origin
way above and beyond this world. TNSTAAT means no Constitution – even though
that simple 20-page contract is easily the single most pivotal document ever
created by mere mortals. If nothing is true in any authoritative sense then we
must go forth into the world without the guidance of the world’s greatest
voices. We’re alone and rudderless on a very dark sea; it’s no wonder that our
young, and our not-so-young, have turned to sex and drugs to numb that lonesome
That’s how TNSTAAT hits thinking individuals, but what about
society? It’s even worse. If one
does not believe in truth, then what are the chances that one is going to limit
one’s self to telling the truth? Zilch. This has not only destroyed our faith
in one another and made us a cynical nation, but it has in turn produced a
group of politicians who are comfortable, who even feel self-righteous, falsely
accusing others of lying. Recently Stephanie Cutter, a top Obama aide, said
Republicans “think lying is a virtue.” And this was just a few days after she was called out for lying by a
leftwing pundit, and both feel just fine stumping for the Liar-in-Chief whose
truth score is now into negative numbers.
TNSTAAT means no morality and it means no law. A nearby
school district just did a presentation for the faculty, which featured 4
illegal immigrants who spoke of all the things the district had done to help
them. Their illegal status was not ignored; it was celebrated. Only in a
society no longer anchored by truth and objectivity can something so appalling
take place. Which law will be officially ignored next? Could be anything. No
anchor, remember?
Note the similarities between the words truth and trust. No
society can function without trust. All we have to do is look south across the
border to see that one. Mexico’s government thrives on bribery and that’s
worked so well that the place is overcome by drug cartels and each year several
million Mexicans run away from home. Yet, right here in Oregon we’re starting
to see the same thing. Our blueberry farmers had to bribe national officials
for permission to sell their crops.
No number of laws can make up for truthful citizens who
elect truthful officials (As I typed that I realized that truthful officials is becoming an oxymoron.). We’re drowning in rules and regulations
partly because trust is no longer woven into the fabric of our culture. Trust
and responsibility is draining out of our society. Note what is happening to a
small company that manufactures toys for grown-ups – magnetic desk gizmos. They
are being driven out of business because of what 12 children were allowed to do
with them.
This falseness is crumbling our strongest foundations –
leading us into corruption usually seen in only third world sinkholes.
Another foundation stone that has crumbled is education. We
wonder why our children don’t know anything – but why should they know anything
when nothing is true? Why should their teachers teach them facts if they don’t
believe in them themselves? Education – I spent over thirty years in the public
schools so I know – has long ago placed more emphasis on process than on
information – a librarian once told me that kids don’t need to learn facts –
they can just look them up. But without background information how can you tell
if what you look up is true? Oh – never mind. There is no truth. And without
information – without enough knowledge one can’t even form premises, let alone
combine them in logical ways. In fact (no pun intended) without information,
nothing is very interesting, so we’re right back to why learn anything if
nothing is true? Or is it that everything is true? I lose track.
This anti-truth myth has placed its followers in the
untenable situation of being unable to argue for their point of view – they can
only attack their opposition, personally and untruthfully. You see, if you
don’t respect truth, you don’t respect facts, evidence, or data, and if your
most fundamental belief is a self-refuting bit of drivel, you have nothing
noble you can do. You are, whether you want to be or not, aligned with the Prince
of Lies.
The allegiance to untruth has also eaten huge holes in our
language. Within leftist thought there is no respect for the social contract
that is language. Words mean something, something specific, and communication
can only happen when we honor the integrity of our words. Only in a society
that denigrates truth could quantitative
easing mean inflation. The word progress,
for instance, means to move forward in a positive way. Therefore, one would
expect progressive to be positive,
but the progressive is now the cover
word for socialism, which history has shown time and time again, doesn’t work. Progressivism is neither positive nor forward. Forward – another word that’s been
appropriated by the left. It really means backward – backward into societies
that practice eugenics and euthanasia, societies where human life is only an
incidental inconvenience. And, of course, my recent fave – Chicago now means racism.
Who’d a thunk it?
The worst result of this leftist negation of truth is that
it has destroyed our faith in God, the ultimate absolute truth. Without God we
have no morality, no ultimate authority, no reason for existence beyond
ourselves; we become mere blobs of protoplasm, made in no one’s image,
purposeless and disposable. Which brings me to my next installment – Monkey Men
and Unicorns. See you next week.
Dee, I did read your post, as i always do. I'm just without words to explain the rhetoric that is coming out of the liberal left... actually, it's the radical left in my view. This business about the words God and Jerusalem being purposefully left out of the Democrat Platform is mind-numbing! And worse was the phony way they quickly put it back in with a voice vote that was obviously no better than a 50/50, and video of the reaction of some in the crowd was like looking at the face of evil.
ReplyDeleteI had the same reaction to crowds rabid reaction to Warren's remark that corporations aren't people. The roar from that crowd sounded like the French crowd in front of the guillotine. There is no shame left in that party. I just saw a FB post suggesting we solve our monetary problems by taxing churches! Yikes.